The Prize Winner 2017 for research in the field of the Biology of Invasive Aquatic Animals is Dr MACARENA ROS, postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Biology, CASEM-Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Cádiz, Spain.
The Award Committee was headed by Prof Felicita Scapini, assisted by Prof Bella Galil, Prof Marco Vannini, Prof Alberto Ugolini and the zoologists of the Department of Biology, University of Florence.
Dr Macarena Ros was awarded at the Department of Biology, University of Florence, on occasion of the memorial event in honour of Francesca Gherardi, with the participation of Gherardi Family.
During the event Dr Macarena Ros presented her research:
"Invasion dynamic of skeleton shrimps in European waters: global distribution, ecology and vectors of spread"
The Vice-Rector Prof Paola Bruni and the Director of the Department of Biology Prof David Caramelli introduced the eventDr Macarena Ros presented her talkDr Macarena Ros was awarded by professors Alberto Ugolini, Felicita Scapini and Marco Vannini...... and by Francesca’s brother Ugo GherardiDr Valerio Zupo, Zoological Station ‘Anton Dohrn’, Naples, talked about Francesca, as colleague and friendDr Gianna Innocenti, Museum of Natural History – section of Zoology, University of Florence, talked about Francesca, when she was a young researcher
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