Task 1 - Geography



Land- cover survey with emphasis on: 



    •  A comprehensive review of available literature
    •  Thorough field-investigation to highlight geophysical components and all major ecological communities with review areas
    •  Highlighting existing and potential conflicts

           - Analysis of significant anthropogenic features such as existing and potential land-use conflicts occurring within the study-areas: 
           - urbanisation 
           - agricultural practices 
           - tourism-related development and activities 
           - use of freshwater resources 
           - etcetera 
           - Identification and categorisation of all areas and habitats of importance, and any human activities deemed to case  an   impact on the study area/s. Where possible quantification of pressures 


    •  Conservation  categorisation

- Make recommendation on conservation measures, in accordance with existing national    planning policies/other environment-related legislation and regulations, and where possible, with international guidelines established by The World Conservation Union (IUCN);
- Where relevant, parallels are drawn with EU environmental directives guidelines; 
- Special reference are made to national Red Data lists for the countries under review, in addition, species are categorised as appropriate. 

    •  Identification and evaluation of appropriate sites for public use, outlining, in socio-economic terms, an interpretation strategy for such sites.
    •  Procedural steps for environmental planning and management goals, i.e. survey, analysis and plan based directly on the case-studies; the study shall identify:

- inputs – socio-economic trends; conservation needs; and, land-use relationships 
- outputs – recommendations; and, management strategies 


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