Partner 6

University of Birmingham, UK – Centre of  Urban and  Regional  Studies and School of Biological Scienze


Name Address Role within the project

Dr. Alyson Caffyn

Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS), University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, B15 3TT 
Birmingham, UK 

Coordinator of the team
Task coordinator for Socio-Economy 
Tourism sustainability issues and management responses

Prof. Bob Prosser


Socio-economic characterisation of sites Research consultant.

Mr. Guy Jobbins


Impact of tourism on ecology 
Research and field work at the sites

Dr. Elfed Morgan

School of Biological Sciences 

Recording and analysis of time series data 
Development of bio-assays

Dr. Andrew Birley

School of Biological Sciences

Population genetics consultant 
Use of the results in estimating the environmental fitness of the resident population

Mr. Derek Green

School of Biological Sciences 
Biochemistry Combined Workshop

Technical assistance for the development and preparation of recording devices applicable for the bio-assays


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