Methodologies developed during the project are proposed here to be used and applied in other contests.
:: Agronomy
:: Biology
:: Geology
:: Socioeconomy
Protocol to study soil salinisation with relation to crop irrigation by S. Cecchi and C. Zanchi - University of Florence, Italy |
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Macrofaune benthique de l'estuaire de l'Oued Tahaddart (Morocco) by H. Bazairi and A. Bayed - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
Macrofaune benthique de l'estuarie de l'Oued Ghrifa et de la plage adjacente (Morocco) by A. Chaouti and A. Bayed - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
Spatial and temporal variation of macrofauna diversity in relation to the salinization of the water table in the Maremma Regional Park (Italy) by L. Chelazzi, I. Colombini, M. Fallaci and E. Gagnarli - CNR ISE, Florence, Italy |
Macrofaune benthique associée aux herbiers by F. El Houssaini and A. Bayed - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
Modèle de suivi et évaluation de l'état de conservation des populations d'amphibiens et de reptiles by S. Fahd - LDICOSYB, Faculty of Sciences of Tétouan, Morocco |
Macroinvertébrés d'eaux douces et saumatres by O. Himmi - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
Ornithologie du Bas Tahaddart (Morocco) - Désignation synthétique de la méthodologie suivie lors des prospections de terrain by A. Qninba, M. Radi and A. El Idrissi Essougrati - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
Protocol for arthropodofauna sampling along a salinity gradient in the soil by C. Rossano - University of Florence, Italy, and C. Martín-Cantarino - University of Alicante, Spain |
Protocol for locomotor activity rhythm study on amphipods by C. Rossano - University of Florence, Italy, and Elfed Morgan - University of Birmingham, UK |
Protocol for field and laboratory analyses of water, sediment and vegetation quality of coastal lagoons by the team of Partner 11 - CEAB-CSIC, Spain |
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A visual report of the visit to the facilities of Nuevos Riegos El Progreso (Spain) - organized by the WADI Team of the University of Alicante during the Congress “Traditional irrigation systems and environmental values”, Ajuntament d'Elx, 11 November 2006 by C. Martín-Cantarino - University of Alicante, Spain |
Questionnaires for the evaluation of primary school children's awareness of the herpetofauna in Morocco by L. Fanini - University of Florence, Italy, and S. Fahd - Faculty of Sciences of Tétouan, Morocco |
Workshop “Water, Animals, People and links within: how to build an ecosystem” by L. Fanini - University of Florence, Italy, and S. Fahd - Faculty of Sciences of Tétouan, Morocco |
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Hydrogéologie du Bas Tahaddart (Morocco) by K. Mehdi and B. Zourarah - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
Géomorphologie, sédimentologie et micropollution chimique by N. Mhamdi, M. Achab and A. Filali - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
Géochimie de bassin versant de Tahaddart (Morocco) by B. Zourarah - Scientific Institute, University Mohammed V - Agdal , Morocco |
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Stakeholder analysis by M.A. Abdrabo & M.A. Hassaan - CEDARE, Egypt |
Integration de la dimension "genre" dans le Project WADI- Note methodologique by F. Bou-Salah - University of Florence, Italy |
Stakeholder participation in conservation and ecosystem management by L.F. Cassar & E.S. Conrad - IEI, Malta |
Questionnaire for the gender analysis at the Moroccan study site and methodological note by S. Fahd - Faculty of Sciences of Tétouan, Morocco |
Protocol for identification, cataloguing and analysis of water cultural heritage elements by C. Martín Cantarino - University of Alicante, Spain |
Questionnaires for the analysis of local population perception and evaluation of landscape features (in Spanish) by C. Martín- Cantarino - University of Alicante, Spain |
Standard protocol of questionnaires on agritourism in the Grosseto area (Italy) (in Italian) by M. Nelli - University of Florence, Italy |
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