
1.    Articles in scientific journal

2.    Books

3.    Articles in books /Proceedings of conference

4.    Communications in national and international conferences

5.    Other publications and announcements

6.    PhD thesis

7.    Master and Degree thesis

8.    Communications in other media (internet/video)



Articles in scientific journals


Scapini F., Bessa F., Gambineri S., Bozzeda F. 2019. Talitrid (Crustacea, Amphipoda) orientation as across scale bioindicator of sandy beaches environmental conditions: A meta-analytic approach. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 220: 25-37.

Taiti S., Rossano C. 2015. Terrestrial isopods from the Oued Laou basin, north-eastern Morocco (Crustacea: Oniscidea), with descriptions of two new genera and seven new species, Journal of Natural History, 49:33-34, 2067-2138.

Achouri M.S.,  Hamaied S. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2008. The diversity of terrestrial Isopoda in the Berkoukech area, Kroumirie, Tunisia. Crustaceana 81(8): 917-929.

Achouri M.S.,  Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. and Zimmer M. 2008.  Reproductive patterns in syntopic terrestrial isopod species (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Morocco. Pedobiologia 52: 127—137.

Colombini I., BayeD A., Chaouti A., Fallaci M., Gagnarli E., Scapini F.  and Chelazzi L.  (in press). Spatial distribution of terrestrial macro-invertebrates at increasing distances from river deltas of Atlantic and mediterranean sandy shores. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences.

Teixeira H.L., Salas F., Pardal  M.A. and Marques  J.C. (in press). Applicability of ecological evaluation in estuarine ecosystems: The case study of Mondego estuary (Portugal). Hydrobiologia.

Fanini L., Khattabi A. and Scapini F. 2006. Linking Talitrus saltator orientation and human use of the beach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Biodiversity, science and governance, Paris DVD ROM, edited by J.-P. Le Duc, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

Oueslati A. 2006. Le plage du littoral méditerranéen du Maroc entre Fnideq et M’diq: leur cadre geomorphologique et l’impact des aménagements sur leur évolution récente. Revue tunisienne de géographie 37:105-142.

Papageorgiou N., Arvanitidis C. and Eleftheriou A. 2006. Multicausal evironmental severity: a flexible framework for microtital sandy beaches and the role of polychaetes as an indicator taxon. Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Sciences 70(4): 643-653.

Papageorgiou A., Moreno M., Marin V., Baiardo S., Arvanitidis C., Fabiano M. and Eleftheriou A. 2006. Interrelationships of bacteria, meiofauna and macrofauna in a Mediterranean sedimentary beach (Maremma Park, NW Italy). Helgoland Marine Research online version DOI 10.1007/s10152-006-0051-6.

Patrício J., F. Salas M. A. Pardal S. E. Jørgensen and Marques J. C. 2006. Ecological indicators performance during a re-colonisation experiment and its compliance with ecosystem theories. Ecological Indicators, 6: 43-57. Abstract

Salas F., Marcos C., Neto J.M., Patrício J., Pérez-Ruzafa A. and Marques J.C. 2006. User friendly guide for using benthic ecological indicators in coastal and marine quality assessment. Ocean and Coastal Management 49(5-6): 308-331.

Salas F., Patrício J., Marcos C., Pardal M. A., Pérez-Ruzafa A. and Marques J.C. 2006. Are taxonomic distinctness measures compliant to other ecological indicators in assessing ecological status? Marine Pollution Bulletin 52(7): 817-829.

Salas F., Patrício J. and Marques J.C. 2006. Ecological indicators in coastal and estuarine environmental quality assessment. A user-friendly guide for practitioners. Im prensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 165 p.

Scapini F. 2006. Keynote papers on sandhopper orientation and navigation. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 39: 73-85.

Sghaier Y.-R., Zakhama-Sraieb R. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2006. Status of Posidonia oceanica meadows along the eastern coast of Tunisia. Biologia Marina del Mediterraneo 13(4): 85-91. Abstract

Valavanis VD, Katara I, Palialexis A. 2006. Marine GIS: identification of mesoscale thermal fronts. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19: 1131-1147.

Zakhama-Sraieb R., Sghaier Y.-R. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2006. Is amphipod diversity related to the quality of Posidonia oceanica beds? Biologia Marina del Mediterraneo 13(4): 174-180. Abstract

Achouri M.S. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2005. Stratégie de reproduction et de croissance chez deux espèces sympatriques du genre Porcellionides (Isopoda, Oniscidea) en Tunisie. Crustaceana 78: 897-916.

Chaouti A. and Bayed A., 2005. Effets d'une perturbation anthropique sur les conditions hydrologiques de la lagune de Smir (Nord-Ouest, Maroc). Revue des Sciences de l'eau, 18(spécial), 181-197.

Fanini L., Martin Cantarino C. and Scapini F. 2005. Relationships between the dynamics of two Talitrus saltator populations and the impacts of activities linked to tourism. Oceanologia 47(1): 93-112. Abstract

Gauci M.J., Deidun A. and Schembri P.J. 2005. Faunistic diversità of Maltese pocket sandy and shingle beaches: are these of conservation value? Oceanologia 47: 219-241.

Goncalves S.C., Pardal M.A., Cardoso P.G., Ferreira S.M. and Marques J.C. 2005. Biology. Population dynamics and secondary production of Tylos europaeus (Isopoda, Tylidae) of the western coast of Portugal. Marine Biology 147: 631-641.

Jørgensen S.E., Ladegaar N., Debeljak D.M. and Marques J.C. 2005. Calculations of Exergy for organisms. Ecological Modelling, 185: 165-175.

Llobet T., Renom P., Romero J. 2005. Les herbiers sous-marins de posidonie. (traduction par R. Sraieb-Zakhama). Barcelona, Spain, pp 55.

Salas F., Marcos C., Pérez-Ruzafa A. and Marques J.C.  2005. Application of the Exergy Index as ecological indicator along an organic enrichment gradient in the Mar Menor Lagoon (South-Eastern Spain). Energy, 30: 2505-2522.

Scapini F., Chelazzi L., Colombini I., Fallaci M., Fanini L. 2005. Orientation of sandhoppers at different points along a dynamic shoreline in southern Tuscany. Marine Biology, 147: 919-926. Abstract

Scapini F., Rossano C., Marchetti G.M. and Morgan E. 2005. The role of biological clock in sun compass orientation of free-running individual of Talitrus saltator, Animal Behaviour 69(4): 835-843. Abstract

Università degli Studi di Firenze. 2005. Mediterraneo casa comune, la scienza come incontro tra culture. Mostra al Museo della Specola e convegno in Aula  Magna dell'Università. Notiziario 3: 53.

Ciampi G. 2004. Il delta dell’Ombrone. Indizi sui fattori della sua dinamica desunti dalla cartografia. Bollettino della Società geografica Italiana, Roma, serie XII, vol. 9, 2004: 991-996 Abstract

Teobaldelli M., Mencuccini M. and Piussi P. 2004. Water table salinity, rainfall and water use by umbrella pine trees (Pinus pinea L.). Plant Ecology 171: 23-33. Abstract

Valavanis V.D., Kapantagakis A., Katara I. and Palialexis A. 2004. Critical regions: A GIS-based model of marine productivity hotspots. Aquatic Sciences 66(1): 139-148.

Gatt P. 2003. New species and records of Microphorella Becker (Diptera: Empidoidea, Dolichopodidae) from the Mediterranean region. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110(4): 669-684. Abstract





Bayed, A. and Bazairi H. 2017. Catalogue Illustré du Macrobenthos de la Baie d'Oued Laou. Travaux de l'Institut Scientifique, Série Zoologie, n° 52, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Maroc. ISBN 978-9954-9283-1-8.

Salas, F., Patricio J. and J.C. Marques. (in press) Ecological indicators in coastal and estuarine environmental quality assessment. A user friendly guide for practitioners. IMAR, Coimbra University Press.

Scapini, F. (ed) (in press) Il Parco Regionale della Maremma. Una Guida per Conoscere e Capire. PRM, Grosseto.

Llobet T., ReNOM P. and Romero J. (trad: Sraïeb-Zakhama R.) 2005. Les herbiers sous-marins de posidonie. Barcelona.

Ameur Oueslati, 2004. Littoral et aménagement en Tunisie. Des enseignements de l’expérience du vingtième siècle et d el’approche géoarchéologique à l’enquête prospective. Orbis, Tunis, 530 pages. ISBN 9973-51-570-6.

Mustafà Akhmisse, 2003 Medicina , magia e mistero in Marocco. (Italian translation and introduction by Daniela Bencivenni). M.I.R. Edizioni, Firenze.



Proceedings of the International Conference. Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005.
Firenze University Press, Florence, Italy, 2006.


Di Nolfo E. The Mediterranean Sea in history.

Oueslati A. Le littoral de M'diq-Smir et de Oued Laou (Maroc): L'histoire géomorphologique récente et les risques liés aux travaux d'aménagement.

Seva E., Martín C. and Martínez J.E. Connections entre les changements du paysages du bassin au flauve Segura (Espagne) et les écosystèmes dunaires de leur embouchure.

Azzari M., Berti C., Paolini R., Pileggi T. and Tarchi G. A geographical information system in Tuscan wetlands. Land use changes in modern and contemporary age.

Cassar L.F., Conrad E., Griffiths G.H. and Morse S. Limits of stakeholder participation in sustainable development: "Where facts are few, experts are many".

Abdrabo M.A. Socioeconomic conditions in coastal areas. A comparative analysis.

Hassan M.A. and Abdrabo M.A. Poverty levels and environmental quality in Rosetta, Egypt.

Ater M.A. and Hmimsa Y. Agrobiodiversitè dans les agrosystémes traditionnels du bassin versant de Oued Laou (Maroc).

Abdalla I.M., Alnour A.M. and Alsaman I.A. Pesticides stress on the woodlice Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt 1833) among the common isopods found in the agroecosystéms of Benghazi And Sebha.

El Alami M., Bennas N. and Belqat B. Typologie et qualité biologique de l’eau du réseau hydrographique Laou Nord Ouest du Maroc.

Qninba A. and Radi M. L’avifaune du bassin versant de l’Oued Laou: composition, status et succession.

Hamdi N. and Charfi F. Richesse et typologie aviaire du complexe forestier nord ouest tunisien.

Gatt P. and Cassar L.F. Diptera (Insecta) biodiversity of Berkoukesh (Tunisia) - a MedCore study site.

Fanini L., Scapini F. and Khattabi A. Sandhopper orientation integrates environmental information. Preliminary considerations on the case-study of Laou wadi mouth, Morocco.

Rossano C. and Scapini F. Evidence of endogenous circatidal rhythmicity in Talitrids from different environment.

Bohli D., El Aloui M.A., Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. and Nasri-Ammar K. Étude de l'activité locomotrice chez Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda) issu de la plage de Zouâraa (Tunisie).

Lanfranco S., Cassar L.F., Conrad E. and Lanfranco E. A rapid method for monitoring macrophytic vegetation: development and testing on dune communities of beaches to the southeast of Foce d'Ombrone, Maremma Regional Park, Tuscany, Italy.

Colombini I., Chaouti A., Fallaci M., Gagnarli E., Scapini F., Bayed A. and Chelazzi L. Effects of freshwater river discharge on terrestrial arthropods in Atlantic and Mediterranean sandy shores.

Papageorgiou N., Arvanitidis C. and Eleftheriou A. Macrofaunal biodiversity of the Mediterranean sandy beach environment.

Chaouti A., Colombini I., Fallaci M., Gagnarli E., Scapini f., Chelazzi L. and Bayed A. Réponse du macrozoobenthos aux déversements de la rivière Ombrone sur la plage sableuse du parc régional de Maremma (Toscane, Italie).

Moreno M., Marin V., Salvo V.S., Farina S. and Fabiano M. Microbial and meiofaunal community in beach ecosystem of the Maremma Regional Park (Italy).

Bayed A., BazaÏri H. and Chaouti A. Distribution bathymétrique du  macrobenthos au large de l'embouchure d'un course d'eau méditerranéen: baie de Oued Laou dans le nord ouest du Maroc.

Fishar M.R. and El-Din El-Haweet A. Diversity and distribution of macrobenthos and fishes in Abu Qir Bay, Alexandria, Egypt.

Lakkis S. and Novel-Lakkis V. Trottoirs rocheux à vermets de la côte libanaise: peuplements des algues macrophytes.

Sraieb-Zakhama R., Shaier Y. and Charfi F. Amphipodofaune associée a l'herbier de Posidonia oceanica de Tabarka, Tunisie.

Scirocco T., D'Adamo R., Di Matteo O. and Ventrella P. Has the Gargano promontory an importance for the ecology of the turtle (Caretta caretta ) in the Adriatic sea?



Bayed A. and F. Scapini (eds). 2005. "Ecosystèmes côtiers sensibles de la Méditerranée: cas du littoral de Smir. Recherche de base pour une gestion durable". Travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal), Série Générale 4. Salè. ISSN 9954-8349-3-7.


El Fellah B. 2005. Géomorphologie et cartographie du bassin versant de l'Oued Smir. Geomorphology and cartography of the catchment area of Oued Smir. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 1-8.

Dakki M., Hamman F. and Hammada S. 2005. Cartographie des habitats naturels d'une zone humide côtière méditerranéenne: les marais de Smir (région de Tétouan, Maroc). Mapping of natural habitats in a coastal Mediterranean wetland: the Smir Marshland (région of Tetouan, Morocco). In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 9-15.

Ennabili A. and Ater M. 2005. Diversité floristique et production de biomasse des macrophytes des marais de Smir. Floristic diversity and biomass production of macrophytes from Smir swamps. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 17-24.

Benhissoune S., Chaouti A. and Bayed A. 2005. Distribution des macrophytes benthiques dans une lagune proche du détroit de Gibraltar: la lagune de Smir dans le nord-ouest du Maroc. Distribution of the benthic macrophytes in a lagoon close to the strait of Gibraltar: the lagoon of Smir in the northwest of Morocco. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 25-29.

Chaouti A. and Bayed A. 2005. Diversité taxonomique et structure de la macrofaune benthique des substrats meubles de la lagune de Smir. Taxonomic diversity and structure of the soft bottom benthic macrofauna of Smir lagoon. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 31-40.

Colombini I., Bouslama M. F., El Gtari M., Fallaci M., Scapini F. and Chelazzi L. 2005. Study of the community structure of terrestrial arthropods of a Mediterranean sandy beach ecosystem of Morocco. Etude de la structure du peuplement des arthropods terrestres de l'écosystème d'une plage méditerranéenne du Maroc. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 41-53.

Ketmaier V., Iuri V. and De Matthaeis E. 2005. Genetic resources and molecular markers in Talitrus saltator (Amphipoda: Talitridae) from the beach of Smir. Ressources génétiques et marqueurs moléculaires chez Talitrus saltator (Amphipoda, Talitridae) de la plage de Smir. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 55-60.

El Agbani M.A. and Dakki M. 2005. Importance ornithologique du complexe des zones humides de la région de Smir. Ornithological importance of the wetlands complex of Smir area. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 61-65.

Cassar L.F., Gatt P., Lanfranco E., Lanfranco S. and Mallia A. 2005. Smir Lagoon (Northern Morocco) and its surroundings: an environmental management approach. La lagune de Smir (Nord du Maroc) et ses environs: une approche de la gestion de l'environnement. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 67-78.

Bayed A. and Chaouti A. 2005. Impact des aménagements hydrauliques, touristiques et urbains sur l'équilibre et le fonctionnement de la lagune et des marais de Smir. Impact of the hydraulic, touristic and urban interventions on the balance and the functioning of Smir lagoon and marshes. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 79-89.

Khattabi A. and Sefriti A. 2005. Aspects socio-économiques de la zone humide de Restinga-Smir. Socioeconomic aspects of the Restinga-Smir wetland. In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 91-99.

Hajib S. and Bayed A. 2005. Aménagement et gestion de la zone humide de Smir: une responsabilité collective. . In: Bayed A. & F. Scapini (eds) Special Issue of Série des travaux de l’Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V-Agdal): 101-113.



Articles in books /Proceedings of conferences


Candela I Quesada, M.J. Navarro I Garcia, J.F. Girona Rodriguez, A. Amat Ruiz and C. Martin Cantarino. 2005. La educación ambiental como stakeholder en espacios protegidos. Análisis d epotencialidades y deficiencias en el Parque Natural del Fondo (Alicante)dentro del proyecto WADI de la C.E. International conference on environmental education, Granada (Spain), 27-30 September 2005. Proceedings, pp. 1-10.

Neto, J. M. and J. C. Marques. Evaluation of conditions and trends in Mediterranean river basins using ecosystem services approach.

Jørgensen, S. E., F.-L. Xu, J., F. Salas, and J. C. Marques, 2005. Application of indicators for the assessment of ecosystem health. In S.E. Jørgensen, R. Costanza & X. Fu-Liu (eds) Handbook of ecological indicators for assessment of ecosystem health, Chapter 2, p. 5-66, CRC Press.

Marques, J. C., F. Salas, J. M. Patrício, and M. A. Pardal, 2005. Application of ecological indicators to assess environmental quality in coastal zones and transitional waters. Two case studies. In S.E. Jørgensen, R. Costanza & X. Fu-Liu (eds) Handbook of ecological indicators for assessment of ecosystem health. Chapter 3, p. 67-104, CRC Press.

Jørgensen, S. E., N. Ladegaard, M. Debeljak and J. C. Marques. Exergy calculations for different types of organisms. A necessary step for its application as ecological indicator. In S.E. Jørgensen, R. Costanza & X. Fu-Liu (eds) Handbook of ecological indicators for assessment of ecosystem health. CRC Press (in press).

Deidun A., Schembri P. 2004. Is Faunal Diversity on Maltese Sandy beaches Related to Intensity of Human Use? First International Conference on the Management of Coastal Recreational resources: Beaches, Yacht Marinas and Coastal Ecotourism, 23-23 Oct. 2004, Malta.: 23-29.

De Silva, M. (in press) Landscapes of the Past: the Maremma regional Park and the Grosseto Coastal Belt. Methodology and Technical Procedures. In: Beyond the Artifact – CAA 2004 – Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – Proceedings of the 32th Conference, Prato, Italy, April 2004, BAR International Series, Archaeopress, Oxford.

De Silva, M. and G. Pizziolo (in press) Signs, Place, Continuità and Changes: Chronological and typological integration of sources for Landscape Archaeology investigation in Tuscany. The reconstruction of archaeological landscapes through digital technologies – Proceedings of Italy-United States Workshop 2003.

Teobaldelli, M., M. Mencuccini and P. Piussi. 2004. Misura delle variazioni stagionali dell’indice di area fogliare in un bosco di pino domestico (Pinus pinea L.): confronto fra misura diretta e stima mediante obiettivo emisferico. S.I.S.E.F. Atti 4: 393-399.

Teobaldelli, M., M. Mencuccini and P. Piussi. 2004. Relazioni idriche e risposta ecologica del pino domestico (Pinus pinea L.) alla salinizzazione della falda nella Pineta di Alberese (GR). S.I.S.E.F. Atti 4: 381-392.

Scapini F. 2003. Baseline Integrated Research in Mediterranean Sandy Beaches for Sustainable Management. In: E. Öshan (Editor) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 03, Ravenna, Italy, 1333-1343. Abstract



Communications in national and international conferences


Medcore project International Conference. Florence, Italy, 10th-14th November 2005.
Abstract Volume, Firenze University Press.


Scapini, F. 2005. Presentation of the MEDCORE conference. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 9.

Abdalla, I. M. 2005 Pesticides stress in the woodlice Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt, 1983) among the common isopods found in the agoecosystems of Benghazi and Sebha, Libya. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 11.

Abdrabo, M.A. 2005. Socioeconomic conditions in coastal areas: a comparative analysis. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 12.

Achouri, M.S., L. Medini-Bouaziz, S. Hamaied and F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha. 2005. Diversity of terrestrial isopods at the Rif (North-East of Morocco): preliminary results. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 13.

Ater, M. and Y. Hmimsa. 2005. Agrosystèmes traditionnels dans le bassin de Oued Laou (Maroc): agrobiodiversité, savoir faire et potentialités pour un développement durable. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 14.

Ater, M., M. Kadiri and L. Taiqui. 2005. Les ripisylves de Oued Laou (Maroc): structure et diversité. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 15.

Azzari, M., Berti, C., Pileggi, T. Paolini R. and Tarchi G. 2005. Wetlands Atlas of Tuscany (Italy): land use changes in modern and contemporary age. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 16

Bayed, A., H. Bazairi and A. Chaouti. 2005. Distribution bathymétrique du macrobenthos au large de l'embouchure d'un cours méditerranéen: cas de la baie de Oued Laou (Maroc). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 17.

Bencivenni, D. 2005. Medicinal plants on the Maremma shoreline (Grosseto, Italy). Biodiversity and Mediterranean tradition: an economic opportunity. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 18.

Bohli, D., M.A. El Aloui, E. Morgan, F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha and K. Nasri-Ammar. 2005. Locomotor activity of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Zouara beach (Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 19.

Bou-Salah, F. 2005. Rural women and evelopment in southern Mediterranean. Situation and challenges. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 20.

Calzolai, R., Iozzolli M. and Ruberti, G. 2005. The biological indexes for the sea and fresh water quality classification: a choice tools for water protection plan. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 21.

Cassar, L.F., E. Conrad, A. Rolè, E. Lanfranco, M. Rizzo and S. Lanfranco. 2005. Coupling of vegetational change with change in coastal sand dune morphology at Berkoukech (north-western Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 22.

Cassar, L.F., S. Morse and E. Conrad. 2005. “Where facts are few, experts are many.” Limits of stakeholder participation in sustainable development. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 23.

Chaouti, A., I. Colombini, M. Fallaci, E. Gagnarli, F. Scapini, L. Chelazzi and A. Bayed. 2005. Influence de l'embouchure d'un cours sur la répartition spatiale du macrobenthos le long d'un estran méditerranéen: cas de Ombrone et la plage du Parc Régional de Maremma en Italie. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 24.

Charfi-Cheikhrouha, F., M. El Gtari and M.S. Achouri. 2005. Distribution of the beach arthropods at the north-eastern Moroccan coast. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 25.

Ciampi, G. 2005. The landscapes of the Ombrone river low catchment area (Grosseto, Italy). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 26-27.

Ciampi, G. 2005. Some new knowledge about Ombrone river delta (Grosseto, Italy) dynamics inferred through maps. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 28-29.

Colombini, I., A. Chaouti, M. Fallaci, E. Gagnarli, F. Scapini, A. Bayed and L. Chelazzi. 2005. Effects of freshwater river discharge on terrestrial arthropods in Atlantic and Mediterranean sandy shores. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 30.

De Matthaeis, E., V. Iannilli and V. Ketmaier. 2005. Genetic structure of amphipods as indicators of environmental quality changes. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 31.

De Silva, M. 2005. The historical landscape of the Alberese area (Grosseto, Italy). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 32-33.

Di Nolfo, E. 2005. Mediterranean in history. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 34

El Alami, M., N. Bennas and B. Belquat. 2005. Typologie et qualité biologique des eaux du bassin versant Oued Laou (Maroc). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 35.

El Aloui, M.A., M. El Gtari, F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha and F. Scapini. 2005. Timing and distribution of spontaneous activity of Talitrus saltator at Zouara beach (North-West of Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 36.

El Aroui, O. 2005. Morphogenèse et risques naturels dans le bassin versant de Oued El Moula-Bouterfess (Tunisie). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 37-38.

El Gtari, M., M.A. El Aloui, M.F. Bouslama, S. Hamaied and F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha. 2005. Density and distribution of three semi terrestrial crustaceans at Berkoukech beach (North-West of Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 39.

El Gtari, M., A. Ghlala, T. El Gtari-Chaabane and L. Fanini. 2005. From researchers to primary school: dissemination of MEDCORE scientific results in Nefza, Tunisia. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 40.

Fabiano, M., Farina S., Marin, V. Moreno, M. and Salvo V.-S. 2005. Microbial and meiofaunal community of beach ecosystem in the Maremma regional Park (Italy). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 41.

Fahd, S., M. El Alami, N. Bennas and B. Belquat. 2005. Analyse de la diversité faunistique du bassin Oued Laou (Maroc). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 42.

Fanini L. and F. Scapini. 2005. Variation in Talitrus saltator strategies as response to environmental change. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 43.

Fishar, M.R. and A. El Din El-Haweet. 2005. Diversity and distribution of macrobenthos and fishes in Abu Qir Bay, Egypt. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 44.

Gambineri S. and F. Scapini. 2005. Field orientation of laboratory born juveniles in two Italian populations of Talitrus saltator. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 45.

Gatt, P. and L.F. Cassar. 2005. Diptera (Insecta) biodiversity of Berkoukech (Tunisia) – A MEDCORE study site. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 46.

Ghlala, A., D. Della Valle, F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha and G. Messana. 2005. The Groundwater diversity in the Bouterfess and Berkoukech catchment areas and Ichkeul Park (North of Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 47.

Guendoz-Benrima, A. and Doumandji-Mitiche, B. 2005. La diversification des populations orthoptérologiques dans trois stations sur la côte algéroise (Algérie). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 48.

Halouani, N. and M. Gueddari. 2005. Spatio-temporal evolution of the Tabarka-Berkoukech coast (North-West Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 49.

Hamaied, S., M.S. Achouri, O. El Aroui, M.A. El Aloui, M. El Gtari, M.F. Bouslama, K. Nasri-Ammar and F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha. 2005. The terrestrial isopod macrofauna diversity in the Berkoukech catchment area (Kroumirie, Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 50.

Hamdi, N. and F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha. 2005. Structure et Organisation spatiale du peuplement d’oiseaux nicheurs du bassin versant de Berkoukech (Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 51.

Hamdi, N., F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha and A. Moali. 2005. Evolution du peuplement des oiseaux d’eau dans le Parc National Ichkeul (Nord de la Tunisie). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 52.

Hassaan M.A. and M.A. Abdrabo. 2005. Poverty levels and environmental quality in Rosetta (Egypt). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 53.

Ketmaier, V., F. Scapini and E. De Matthaeis. 2005. Beach dynamics have an impact on the variation of genetic and behavioral traits in the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda): a study case in southern Tuscany. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 55.

Khattabi, A., L. Fanini and Y. Chakir. 2005. Summer tourism in the socioeconomic context of Oued Laou (Morocco). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 56.

Kotwicki, L., Baszewska A. and Sztybor, K. 2005. Meiofauna as indicator of the recreational waters, sandy sediment quality - meiofaunal sampling strategy. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 57.

Lakkis, S. 2005. Bentic populations diversity of soft substratum along the Lebanese coast (Levantine Basin, eastern Mediterranean). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 58.

Lakkis, S. and Novel-Lakkis, V. 2005. Vermetid terraces, characteristic coastal habitat of the Lebanese coast (eastern Mediterranean). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 59.

Lanfranco, S., L.F. Cassar, E. Conrad and E. Lanfranco. 2005. A methodology for longitudinal monitoring of vegetation colonising coastal dunes: a case study on dune communities of beaches to the southeast of Foce d’Ombrone, Maremma Regional Park, Tuscany, Italy. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 60.

Marques, J.C. 2005. An integrated view on the Mediterranean coastal, transitional and inland aquatic systems as a resource for the future. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 61.

Mateo, M.A., P. Renom, J. Romero, D. Garrido, C. Guallar, R. Zakhama, O. Serrano and L. Serrano. 2005. Posidonia oceanica: identifying temporal trends and linking terrestrial and marine systems in Mediterranean coastal areas. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 62.

Maury, R.G. 2005. Espaces and ressources dans les pays méditerranéens - Questions d'eau conflictuelle et d epatrimoine hydraulique. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 64..

Nardi, M., F. Scapini and E. Morgan. 2005. Seasonal variation of the circadian activity rhythm of the Talitrus saltator population living on the Italian study site of the MEDCORE project. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 66.

Nasri-Ammar, K. and E. Morgan. 2005. Seasonality of the endogenous activity rhythm in Talitrus saltator (Montagu) from a sandy beach in north eastern Tunisia. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 67.

Oueslati, A. 2005. Le littoral de Smir et de Oued Laou (Maroc): géomorphologie et aménagement. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 68.

Papageorgiou, N., C. Arvanitidis and A. Eleftheriou. 2005. Is multicausal environmental severity a flexible framework for microtidal sandy beaches? Practical considerations. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 69.

Pastor-Lopez, A. and J.A. Perez-Lahiguera. 2005. Landscape pattern comparation of four River-Sea Ecotones in the Mediterranean Bassin: Segura (Spain), Ombrone (Italy), Laou (Morocco) and Bouterfess-Berkoukech (Tunisia). A perspective from plant diversity. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 70.

Pastor-Lopez, A. and J.A. Perez-Lahiguera. 2005. Pinus pinea forest regression in La Maremma Regional Park (Italy). First coastal line die-back gradient. Indications from dendrochronological analysis. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 71-72.

Pastor-Lopez, A. and J.A. Perez-Lahiguera. 2005. Plant communities heterogeneity in the Laou river Mediterranean Sea coastal interface (Oued Laou, Morocco). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 73.

Pastor-Lopez, A., J. Candela-Quesada and J.A. Perez-Lahiguera. 2005. Ecosystem processes affected by recent changes in the Segura river irrigation channel network and water regime affecting biodiversity. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 74.

Pastor-Lopez, A., J.E. Martinez-Perez, J. Candela-Quesada and J.A. Perez-Lahiguera. 2005. Changes in landscape patterns and processes (1956 -2000) in the Segura river - Mediterranean Sea ecotone. Ways to match socioeconomic with ecological goals. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 75.

Qninba, A. and M. Radi. 2005. L'avifaune du bassin versant de l'Oued Laou (Maroc): composition, statuts et succession. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 76.

Rolè, A., E. Conrad, L.F. Cassar, E. Lanfranco and M. Rizzo. 2005. Coastal dune systems and vegetation assemblages of Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts: a comparative study of some north African coastal dunes. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 77.

Romero, J., P. Renom, M.A. Mateo, R. Zakhama and B. Martinez-Crego. 2005. Assessing ecological status of coastal waters using the seagrass Posidonia oceanica as bioindicator: results in the framework of MEDCORE project. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 78.

Rossano, C., E. Morgan and F. Scapini. 2005. Locomotor activity rhythms in three species of talitrid amphipods colonizing different habitats in the Maremma Regional Park (Tuscany, Italy). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 79.

Scirocco, T., D'Adamo, R., Di Matteo, O. and Ventrella, P. 2005. Has the Gargano promontory an importance for the ecology of the turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Adriatic Sea? Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 80.

Seva-Roman, E., J.E. Martinez-Perez and A. Pastor-Lopez. 2005. Connecting changes in landscape patterns at the Segura river (Spain) basin level with changes in the coastal dune ecosystems. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 82.

Taiqui, L. and L. Azghar. 2005. Dynamique récente du paysage de la plaine de Oued Laou (Maroc). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 83.

Taiti, S. and C. Rossano. 2005. Terrestrial isopod biodiversity (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from the Italian and the Moroccan study sites of the MEDCORE project. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 84.

Teobaldelli, M., G. P. Gandolfo, M. Mencuccini, P. Piussi and P. Cherubini. 2005. Analysis of the effects of water salinity and coastal erosion on function and growth of pine forests in the Maremma Regional Park. Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 85.

Zakhama, R., Y.R. Sghaier and F. Charfi-Cheikhrouha. 2005. Amphipods fauna associated to Posidonia oceanica meadows at Tabarka (Tunisia). Medcore Project International Conference, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November 2005. Abstract Volume: 86.



Other conferences

El Alami M., Bennas N. and Belqat B. 2005. Biodiversité, typologie et qualité biologique de l’eau du réseau hydrographique Laou. WATMED2, Marrakesh 14-17 novembre 2005.

Bennas N., Abellan P. and Millan A. 2005. Ecosystèmes aquatiques à intérêt particulier de conservation dans le Rif (Nord du Maroc): résultats préliminaires. WATMED2, Marrakesh 14-17 novembre 2005.

Teobaldelli M. and P. Piussi. 2005. Un’analisi ecologica della pineta di Alberese effettuata mediante l’utilizzo di tecniche gIS, telerilevamento e analisi in campo. V Congresso S.I.S.E.F., poster presentation, Torino, Italy, September 2005.

Scapini, F. 2005. présentation du contexte Italien concernant les rôles des femmes et des hommes par rapport aux PAM Cas d’une experiénce de commercialisation des PAM gérée par une femme. Atelier Regional sur: Amélioration des Revenus des Ffemmes et des Hommes à travers la Gestion Durable des Ressources naturelles: Cas des Plamtes Aromatiques et Médicinales, Meknès (Marocco):10-13 May 2005.

Amat Ruiz, Á., M.J. Navarro I Garcia, J. Candela I Quesada , J.F. Girona Rodriguez and C. Martin Cantarino. 2005. La educación ambiental más allá de los límites de los parques naturales. La vinculación funcional del parque natural del Fondo (Alicante) con los agroecosistemas circundantes y sus consideración en las actividades de educación ambiental desarroladas en el mismo. International conference on environmental education, Granada (Spain), 27-30 September 2005.

Girona Rodriguez, J.F., M.J. Navarro, A. Amat Ruiz, J. Candela I Quesada , and C. Martin Cantarino. 2005. La educación ambiental en los parques naturales. Percepciones y conocimientos de la poblacion local. Análisis de la desconexión entre poblacón local y actividades educativas en el parque Natural del Fondo (provincia de Alicante) dentro del proyecto WADI. International conference on environmental education, Granada (Spain), 27-30 September 2005.

Ketmaier, V., Scapini F. and E. De Matthaeis. 2005. Micro-geographical variation of genetic and behavioral traits in the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda) along a dynamic beach. ICC6-International Crustacean Conference, Book of Abstracts: 234, Glasgow, UK, 18-22 July 2005.

Iannilli V. and E. De Matthaeis. 2005. Analisi del differenziamento genetico tra popolazioni di Gammarus aequicauda (Martynov, 1931) nel bacinio del Mediterraneo. 66° Congresso Nazionale Unione Zoologica Italiana, Roma 19-22 settembre 2005, p. 58.

Iannilli V. and E De Matthaeis. 2005. Genetic divergence within Gammarus aequicauda (Martynov, 1931) based on 16S mitochondrial DNA (P23). ICC6-International Crustacean Conference, Book of Abstracts: 130, Glasgow, UK, 18-22 July 2005.

Hamdi N., F. Charfi and A. Moali. 2005. Vulnérabilité et évolution du peuplement des oiseaux dans le Parc National Ichkeul . International Workshop/ Marine and Coastal Protected Areas, Meknès, March 23-25 2005.

Hamaïed S. and F. Charfi. 2005. Différenciation génétique de quelques populations d’Armadillidium pelagicum Arcangeli, 1955». 15èmes Journées Association Tunisienne des Sciences Biologiques, Hammamet 19-23 mars 2005

De Silva. 2005. GIS analysis of land use and field patterns from historical cartography in Landscape Archaeology. CAA 2005. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – 33rd Conference – The World is in our eyes, Tomar, Portugal, 21-24 March 2005.

Fanini L., A. Khattabi and F. Scapini. 2005.  Linking Talitrus saltator orientation and human use of beach resources. International conference “Biodiversity. Science and Governance. Today’s choice for tomorrow”, Paris, 24-28 January 2005

Ghlala A., Della Valle D., Charfi F. and Messana G. 2004. The Stygobiontic fauna of Tunisia: Preliminary results. Symposium on World Subterranean Biodiversity, Villeurbanne 8, 9 and 10 December 2004.

Nasri-Ammar K. and E. Morgan. 2004. Variation saisonnière du rythme locomoteur de Talitrus saltator (Crustacé Amphipode). Septièmes Journées des Sciences de la Mer , Zarzis 18-22 décembre.

ElAloui Mohamed A., M. El Gtari and F. Charfi. 2004. Etude de l’activité spontanée journalière de Talitrus saltator (Crustacea, Amphipoda), Tylos europaeus (Crustacea, Isopoda) et Phaleria acuminata (Insecta, Tenebrionaria) au niveau de la plage de Zouara (Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie ). Septièmes Journées des Sciences de la Mer , Zarzis 18-22 décembre.

Hamdi N. and F. Charfi. 2004. Importance numérique, distribution spatiale et exploitation des habitats par les oiseaux d’eau hivernants de la côte nord-ouest de la Tunisie. Septièmes Journées des Sciences de la Mer , Zarzis 18-22 décembre.

Giraldo Mendoza, A., Martín Cantarino, C. and Sánchez Rius, N. 2004. Comparación preliminar de las comunidades de arañas (Araneae) de medios sabulícolas costeros e interiores de la provincia de Alicante. Proc. I Iberian Congress of Arachnology Murcia 30 September-4 October 2004.

Lucia Fanini, Carlos Martín Cantarino, Felicita Scapini. 2004. Relationships between the dynamics of two Talitrus saltator populations and the impacts of activities linked to tourism. The role of biodiversity in simple, physically driven Ecosystems with special focus on sandy sediments. Iopass Institute. Sopot. Poland. 11-17 October 2004.

Mohamed Fadhel Bouslama; Mohamed El Gtari; Faouzia Charfi-Cheikhrouha. 2004. Impact of environmental factors on zonation and reproductive biology of two sandhopper populations of Talitrus saltator from Tunisia. The role of biodiversity in simple, physically driven Ecosystems with special focus on sandy sediments. Iopass Institute. Sopot. Poland. 11-17 October 2004.

F. Scapini. 2004. The women and the environment. Workshop Training of trainers in “Integration of gender dimension in water management in the Mediterranean region”, Cairo, Egypt, 1-5 October 2004: 1001-102.

Fanini L., Scapini S. 2004. Variazioni dell’orientamento di Talitrus saltator in relazione alle dinamiche geomorfologiche della spiaggia sabbiosa e all’impatto diretto dei turisti. Atti 21° Convegno della Società italiana di Etologia, Padova, 15-17 settembre  2004, C.L.E.U.P. Padova, 2004: 43-44.

Gambineri S., Marchetti G.M., Scapini F. 2004. Orientamento in natura di piccoli nati in laboratorio di due popolazioni della specie Talitrus saltator. Atti 21° Convegno della Società italiana di Etologia, Padova, 15-17 settembre 2004, C .L.E.U.P. Padova, 2004: 56-57.

Nardi M., Nasri K., Scapini F. 2004. Variabilità del periodo circadiano di attività in due popolazioni di Talitrus saltator del Nord e del Sud del Mediterraneo lungo un cline geografico. Atti 21° Convegno della Società italiana di Etologia, Padova, 15-17 settembre 2004, C .L.E.U.P. Padova, 2004: 78.

Rossano C., Scapini F., Morgan E. 2004. Ritmi di attività locomotoria in Anfipodi. Confronto fra specie di talitridi provenienti da habitat differenti. Atti 21° Convegno della Società italiana di Etologia, Padova, 15-17 settembre 2004, C .L.E.U.P. Padova, 2004: 99-100.

Nasri-Ammar K. and E. Morgan. 2004. Towards an endogenous activity baseline for the desert Isopod Hemilepistus reaumuri. 6th International Symposium on the biology of terrestrial Isopods, July 12-15, 2004, Aveiro, Portugal.

Hamaied S. and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2004. Morphological features and Geographical distribution of the genus Armadillidium (Brandt, 1833) in Tunisia. 6th International Symposium on the biology of terrestrial Isopods, July 12-15, 2004, Aveiro, Portugal.

M.S. Achouri and Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2004. Genetic differenciation and gene flow of Porcellionides pruinosus in Tunisia. 6th International Symposium on the biology of terrestrial Isopods, July 12-15, 2004, Aveiro, Portugal.

De Silva, M. 2004. Fonti storiche e nuove tecnologie: il paesaggio grossetano attraverso l’analisi del Catasto Leopoldino. I quadri paesistici italiani dal medioevo all’Età Contemporanea, Certosa di Pontignano e Colle di Val d’Elsa (Siena), 7-9 aprile 2004.

De Silva, M. 2003. Processi storici di trasformazione del paesaggio toscano: alcuni esempi di integrazione cronologica e metodologica delle fonti in ambiente GIS. IV workshop “Beni Ambientali e Culturali e GIS”, Firenze 18 novembre 2003.

De Silva, M. 2003. GIS and historical cartography in coastal dunes: integration of different sources to analyse landscape transformation processes. CoastGIS’03 – Fifth International Symposium on GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone management, Genova, Italy, 16-18 October 2003.

De Silva, M. 2003. GIS analysis of historical cadastral maps as a contribution in landscape archaeology. CAA 2003 – Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology – 31st Conference “Enter the Past – the E-way into the Four Dimensions of Cultural heritage”, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 2003.

Achouri M.S., Bouslama M.F., El Gtari M., Charfi F. 2003. Life cycle, population dynamics and field-growth rates of Talitrus saltator at Zouaraa beach. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 7.

Bouguerra-Deval A., Charfi-Cheikhrouha F., Romdhane M.S. 2003. Peracarida crustacean diversity, especially amphipods, found in the posidonian-bed of Raf-Raf (Tunisian northern coast). XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 29.

Bohli D., Nasri-Ammar K., Morgan E. 2003. Characterististics of the locomotor activity rhythm in Talitrus saltator (Amphipoda Crustacea) from Madfoun beach (centre east of Tunisia). XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 29.

Chelazzi L., El Gtari M., Bouslama M.F., Colombini I., Fallaci M., Scapini F. 2003. Long-sore distribution of two amphipod species living along the north-western coast of Tunisia. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 9.

Bouslama M.F., Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2003. Zonation and reproduction of Talitrus saltator from Korba beach. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 7.

De Matthaies E. 2003. Genetic structure of talitrids (Crustacea, Amphipoda). XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 11.

El Gtari M., Charfi Chekhrouha F., Scapini F. 2003. Comparison between the solar orientation of two sympatric Orchestia species, O. montagui and O. stephenseni, from Skira, on the south-eastern Tunisian coasts. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 12.

El Aloui M.A., EL Gtari M., Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2003. Daily spontaneous activity of Talitrus saltator (Amphipoda Crustacea) from Zouaraa beach (N-W of Tunisia). XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 35.

Fanini L., Scapini F., Martin Cantarino C. 2003. Relationship between the dynamics of two talitrid popolations and the impacts of activities linked to tourism. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 35.

Iannilli V., Cobolli M., Ketmaier V., Ruffo S., De Matthaeis E. 2003. Genetic and morphological differentiation in populations of the Italian freshwater Gammarus species (Crustacea Amphipoda). XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 38.

Ketmaier V. Amendola D., Scapini. F., De Matthaeis E. 2003. Large scale phylogeography of the landhopper Orchestia cavimana: combining allozymes and MTDNA. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 15.

Marques J.C., Gonçalves, Pardal M.A., Bouslama M., El Gtari M., Charfi-Chekhrouha F. 2003. Comparison of Talorchestia brito (Amphipoda talitridae) biology, dynamics and secondary production in Atlantic (Portugal) and mediterranean (Tunisia) populations. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 17.

Morgan E., Rossano C. 2003. An overview of the endogenous activity rhythms of amphipods. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 18.

Nardi M., Porta M.N., Morgan E., Scapini F. 2003. Correlation between some morphological characteristics and two aspects of basic behaviour in Talitrus saltator. The endogenous activity rhythm and the phototaxis. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 19.

Nardi M., Galli S., M.N., Morgan E., Scapini F. 2003. Differeces between individuals and groups in the response of the biological clock to light pulses in Talitrus saltator. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 19.

Nasri-Ammar K., Bohli D., Morgan E. 2003. Variation of the endogenous rhythm phenotype of Talitrus saltator. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 20.

Rossano C., Scapini F., Morgan E. 2003. Preliminary data on activity rhythms of different talitrid populations from southern Tuscany. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 41.

Sahli K., Charfi-Cheikhrouha F. 2003. Preliminary results of Amphipoda associated to the red algae Gracilaria verrucosa in Bizerte lake. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 19: 42.

Scapini F. 2003. Adaptation and plasticity of orientation in talitrids. XI International Colloquium on Amphipoda, 25-30 March 2003, Tunis: 22.

Teobaldelli M., Mencuccini M., Piussi P. (2003a) Water table salinity, rainfall and wateruse by umbrella pine trees (Pinus pinea L.) IV Congresso nazionale “Meridiani foreste”, Società di selvicultura e di Ecologia Forestale, Potenza, 7-10 October 2003.

Teobaldelli M., Mencuccini M., Piussi P. (2003b) Misura delle variazioni stagionali dell’Indice di Area Fogliare in un bosco di pino domestico (Pinus pinea L.): confronto fra misura diretta e stima mediante obiettivo semisferico IV Congresso nazionale “Meridiani foreste”, Società di selvicultura e di Ecologia Forestale, Potenza, 7-10 October 2003.

Nasri-Ammar K., Morgan E. 2003. Variation saisonnière du rhythm d’activité locomotrice de Talitrus saltator issu d ela plage de Korba (Cap Bon, Tunisie). Deuxièmes Journées Franco-Tunisiennes de Zoologie, 14-16 octobre 2003, Tozeur, Tunisie.

Bohli D., Nasri-Ammar K., Morgan E. 2003. Étude du rythme de l’activité locomotrice de Talitrus saltator (Crustacé, Amphipode) issu de la plage de Zouaraa (Tabarka, Tunisie). Deuxièmes Journées Franco-Tunisiennes de Zoologie, 14-16 octobre 2003, Tozeur, Tunisie.



Other publications and announcements


Scapini F., L. Fanini, M. Nardi and C. Rossano. 2004. Diversità comportamentale di piccoli crostacei semiterrestri nei vari habitat del Parco. Parco della maremma. Una voce per il Parco, dicembre 2004: 9.

D. Bencivenni. 2004. Le piante della costa mediterranea nelle tradizioni popolari. Mostra “Delle Erbe e della Magia”, Archivio delle Tradizioni Popolari del Comune di Grosseto, 7 novembre 2004.

F. Scapini. Beaches – ecosystems between land and sea. Joint Meeting of the Rotary Society of Ravenna and Moscow, Russia. Ravenna, September 2004.

D. Bencivenni. 2003. Appunti di medicina tradizionale marocchina, lecture at the Tredicesimo Laboratorio Pubblico dell’“Albero della Vita”, USL Prato, 11 maggio 2003.

Scapini F. 2003. Dal fiume al mare. Ricerca integrata sul campo nel parco Regionale della Maremma. Università degli Studi di Firenze. Notiziario 2003, 3: 19-21.

Scapini F. 2002. Ambienti costieri del Mediterraneo. Per una gestione sostenibile. Università degli Studi di Firenze. Notiziario 2002, 4: 29-31.



PhD thesis


Claudia Rossano. 2005. Studio degli orologi biologici in Anfipodi. Attività locomotoria e orientamento. Dottorato di ricerca in Etologia ed Ecologia Animale, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Ciclo 17, tutors: Prof. F. Scapini , Dr. F. Morgan.

Mohamed El Gtari, 2004. Eco-éthologie comparèe de quelques espèces clef d’Arthropodes semi-terrestres et côtiers et Systematique des Amphipodes littoraux de la Tunisie. Souténue le 13 déc. ’04, Jury composé de professeurs M. Bouaziz, M.H. Ktari, C. Martin Cantarino, Faouzia Charfi-Cheikhrouha, F. Scapini, Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences Biologiques, Université El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis.

Mohamed Sghaier ACHOURI. 2004. Biologie, dynamique et génétique dês populations du genre Porcellionides en Tunisie (Crustacé, Isopode Oniscidea). Doctorat en Biologie le 5 juin 2004, Faculté des Sciences El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, supervisor Prof. Faouzia Charfi-Cheikhrouha, Jury Prof. J. C. Marques.

Abdellatif CHAOUTI (2003) Biotypologie du macrozoobenthos de la lagune méditerranéenne de Smir: analyses spatiale et spatio-temporelle. Doctorat en Biologie, Université Mohammed V Agdal, Faculté des Sciences, Rabat, Morocco, supervisor Prof. A. Bayed



Master and Degree thesis


Loubna AGHZAR (2006) Approche a l'etude de la dynamique du paysage de l'aval de Oued Laou entre 1958, 1966 et 1994. Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, Faculté des Sciences de Tetouan, Maroc. Thesis

Wadii AROUI (2005) Le bassin-versant de Oued El Moula-Bouterfess (Kroumirie): étude et cartographie de la dynamique morphologique récente. Université de Tunis, Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis, Département de Géographie, sous la direction de Prof. Ameur Oueslati.

Mohamed Anouer El Aloui (2004) Etude de l’activité spontanèe journalière des Arthropodes, Talitrus saltator, Tylos europaeus et Phaleria acuminata de la plage de Zouara (Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie ). Souténu le 14 décembre 2004, jury composé par les professeurs M. El gazzeh, F. Scapini, K. Nasri-Ammar, F. Charfi, Diplome d’Etudes approfondies en Ecologie Générale, Université Tunis El Manar, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis.

Simone FARINA (2004) Dinamiche e distribuzioni delle comunità microbiche e meiobentonica nel sistema di spiaggia del Parco regionale della Maremma. Laurea in Scienze ambientali marine, Università degli Studi di Genova, supervisors: Prof. M. Fabiano, Prof. F. Scapini and Dr. Vanessa-Sarah Salvo

Douha BOHLI (2004) Etude du rythme de l’activité locomotrice de l’Amphipode Talitrus saltator (Montagu, 1808) issu de quelques populations tunisiennes. D.E.A. Ecologie, Faculté des Sceinces deTunis, supervisors: Dr. K. Nasri-Ammar and Dr. E. Morgan 

Simone GAMBINERI (2004) Orientamento in natura di piccoli nati in laboratorio di due popolazioni della specie Talitrus saltator. Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli studi di Firenze, supervisors: Prof. F. Scapini and Prof. G.M. Marchetti

Serena BENEDETTI (2004) Studio sull’adattamento del comportamento di due specie di Talitridi in relazione alla diversità ambientale. Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli studi di Firenze, supervisors: Prof. F. Scapini and Dr. M. Nardi

Elena GAGNARLI (2003) Strategie spazio-temporali e diversità dell’artropodofauna di un litorale sabbioso in relazione alla distanza dalla foce del fiume Ombrone (Parco Regionale della Maremma, Gr.). Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli studi di Firenze, supervisors: Dr. L. Chelazzi and Prof. F. Scapini 



Communications in other media (internet/video)


F. Scapini, L. Chelazzi, R. Innocenti, C. Rossano, M. De Silva, L. Fanini, S. Gambineri and I. Colombini. 2005. Mediterraneo Domestico. Scienza come incontro fra culture. Immagini sul campo. Domestic Mediterranean. Science as a link between cultures. Images from fieldwork. Exibition at the Museo della Specola, Firenze, Italy, 10-20 November 200

P. Renom, M.Â. Mateo and J. Romero. 2005. MEDCORE: a VIEW from the Barcelona team experience. DVD. Edition Toni Liobet © Universitat Barcelona 200


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