Berkoukech and Bouterfess basin (TUNISIA)

The field site presents a highly interesting geomorphological fabric. It appears to consist, largely, of a dynamic coastal dune system, where Oued Berkoukech and adjacent linear beaches appear to be the primary source of nourishment for the beach and dune-field at this locality. The beach-dune formation at Berkoukech forms part of a wider system of sizeable linear beaches that occur on the north-western coast of Tunisia.

The development for tourism aims of the town of Tabarka with the construction of resort facilities is threatening the natural dynamics of the beach. On the other site the sparse and poor settlements (douar) in the mountain environment of the El Mouala - Bouterfess basin experience severe risks of soil erosion, which are worsened by the recent construction of a dam.


Bouterfess river mouth
by Felicita Scapini

The port of Tabarka
by João Neto


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