Population dynamics of arthropods on an Italian beach dune system

Population dynamics of an Italian population of Talitrus saltator was monitored at the Parco Regionale della Maremma at the same time of a Tunisian and a Portuguese population.

  • Field work consists in collecting at least 150 specimens every semi-lunar phase (neap tide) for an entire year. Forty forty-five points (according to the length of the beach) along a transect of the shore of Collelungo were sampled sieving 0.25m2 of sand. All species were collected together with the debris (fresh, dry ashes weights) found in the square. Replicates were made in the zone where amphipods were found. Sand temperatures were recorded at noon and sand samples for laboratory analyses (moisture, pH, salinity, organic contents, grain sizes) were collected.


All collected amphipods were counted, sexed, measured (cephalic length) and weighed in the laboratory. Fresh weights of debris were taken before oven drying at 105°C. Then dry weights were measured and the samples burned in a muffle at 600°C. Ashes were weighed. Sand samples were analysed for their moisture, salinity, pH, organic contents and grain sizes.


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